bet8体育娱乐入口(ODU)的娱乐治疗项目超越了教科书和教室, making a tangible impact through the Senior 健康 Program. Spearheaded by Shelly Beaver, a Senior Lecturer in the program, this initiative brings together students and senior residents, creating a unique space for 分享d experiences, 增长, and connection.

雪莉·比弗的老年健康项目之旅始于宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 她在哪里发起了一个类似的项目,并继续蓬勃发展. Upon joining ODU, Shelly took the program to Maimonides 健康 Center (MHC), formerly Beth Sholom Village, in Virginia Beach, leveraging an alumni connection. Junior and senior students play a pivotal role, 在秋季学期构建和执行程序.

Adapting to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the program embraced a virtual format, 专注于认知和社会活动,以保持联系. With the resumption of in-person activities, the program found a new home at Harbor's Edge, a senior living community in Norfolk. 这一举措不仅使其访问量翻了一番,达到每学期12次访问,而且为学生探索娱乐治疗的各个方面打开了大门.

Fraingeli Castro-Gonzalez, 目前在Harbor 's Edge的内存支持部门担任活动协调员, 她早在16岁就开始了她的职业生涯,担任注册护理助理(CNA). She started her collegiate career with an interest in a nursing program; however, 她渴望一种不那么临床的治疗方法,这让她选择了娱乐疗法. 2021年秋天,她在港边上了比弗教授的课, and was later offered an internship. Graduating from ODU in December 2022, 弗莱格里在实习的最后两周开始在Harbor 's Edge全职工作.

As an alumna of ODU, 弗莱格里曾经是这个班的学生,现在能领导这个项目让他觉得很有趣. 看到学生们利用反馈并在整个学期中不断进步,她感到无比自豪. 在学生组织的活动中,看到一些住院医生跟着音乐唱歌, Fraingeli said with a smile,  "Reminiscing is important for the residents in this program. It’s beautiful when they remember things from their past. Music helps a lot."

To ensure a seamless experience, students prepare the activity for the day, 经常有一个备用计划,以防会议需要根据居民的能量水平进行调整. 学生们和一名住院医生一对一地工作,住院医生在课程开始时被分配给他们. 

贾利克·戈德博尔德很快就和他的住院医生建立了关系. “与我的住院医生建立融洽关系很容易,因为她是一个精力充沛的人. 她做了19年的空乘,有很好的人际交往能力. 我也相信我有很好的人际交往能力,所以一旦我们开始交谈, it was like we were old friends catching up.“虽然有些学生上这门课的时候知道他们想和老年人一起工作, 他们中的许多人都认为他们想要与儿童或其他人群一起工作, 然后他们最终改变了主意,因为他们太喜欢这门课了. 然而,虽然Jalik很喜欢这门课,但他决定要进入行为健康领域. “作为现役军人,看到人们今天面临的所有心理健康问题,激励我去帮助他们,因为我曾经去过那里."

一半的课程在记忆支持单元上促进活动, 而另一半的学生则在辅助生活单元中领导活动. 在“椅子练习宾果游戏”中,凯伦·斯托克斯(Kayln Stokes)抽出一张牌,进行一项名为“屈肩”的练习.” As she demonstrated, she said “It’s kind of like we’re doing the wave,引起了住院者和其他学生的笑声和热情.  Kalyn对与老年人一起工作的热情让她想起了和祖父母在一起的时光. “It’s comforting.她也喜欢娱乐疗法,因为这个领域有很多选择. “这是一个灵活的职业领域,你可以在不同的领域工作."

Kristen "Kris" Batts, a student working with Kayln on the activity, agreed and added, “娱乐治疗是一个代表性不足的专业,但有很大的, direct impact on people."

克里斯承认,她最初是怀着与孩子们一起工作的兴趣进入这个项目的, but her experience in this class shifted her focus, igniting a passion for working with the elderly population. 克丽丝在住院医生中遇到一位退休教授,这使她认识到她可以在养老院获得丰富的知识.

Shelby Crockett, a 2018 alumna of ODU, 在此之前,他曾与老年人和儿童一起研究自闭症谱系. She initially pursued an interdisciplinary major with a focus on special education; however, the Senior 健康 Program changed her mind, leading her to switch to a major in recreational therapy. After completing the class in Fall 2017, Shelby在Beth Sholom实习,随后在MHC全职工作,目前担任首席娱乐治疗师. 在描述她的工作时,她消除了误解,“是的,我们整天都很开心! But it’s fun with a therapeutic benefit behind it.谢尔比希望更多的人了解娱乐疗法的积极影响, 注意到许多人偶然进入这个领域,但最终却爱上了它.

The Senior 健康 Program is not just a class; it's a dynamic and evolving initiative that adapts to the changing landscape in the field of recreational therapy. 无论是促进学生和老年人之间的联系,还是在娱乐治疗领域为不同的职业道路打开大门, this program is an example of innovation and compassion.